Resources for Assistants
Your home base for anything and everything EA.
Curated from our community of over 6,000+ assistants, discover resources to learn, grow, and advance your career.

My exec has 10,000 unread emails! Where do I start?
Who’s been there—the dreaded inbox with 1000s of emails? Don’t be afraid; we have email tips to help you cruise through the clean up and keep it that way!

EAs and Executives: Exercises to establish a productive working relationship
If you are about to start a new relationship with an exec (or if you have an existing one you want to improve), use these tips to hit the ground running with productivity.

How Learning to Listen Can Make You a Better EA
Executive Assistants, if you want to be killer at your job, your relationships, and at life in general, the skill to hone-in on is listening. "Hearing the unsaid needs" in meetings, conversations, will amp-up your career development and help avoid stalled productivity.

We Went Speed-Dating to Find the Perfect (and Free) Project/Task Management Platform
Download our free scorecard of every task management platform we tested to see which tool is best for you and your day-to-day needs.

6 Note-Taking Methods and the Apps That Make Them Easy
Here are 6 note-taking methods for every type of situation, from planning marketing events to taking meeting notes.

7 Simple Gmail Tricks to Help You Get Out of Your Inbox Faster
Wouldn’t it be nice to be here instead of in your inbox? You get into work, you have a plan to attack your day, you open your inbox, and the […]

3 Chrome Tips That Will Put 5 Hours Back in Your Week
Less time organizing, more time doing. How much time of your day do you spend working online? How much of that time is spent bouncing between sites, emails, calendars, and notes? […]

INFOGRAPHIC: 5-Step Planning Method for Goal-Setting With Executives
Rockstar executive-assistant Chelsey Lewis recently published a series of articles on goal setting: “Go Get ’Em: Goal Setting for the Executive Assistant” and “Executive Assistants: Why You Should Be Setting […]

Creating SOPs: You’ve made your SOP, here’s how to effectively execute
Your how-to guide for activating your SOP (standard operating procedure). You’ve put in the time to understand a process, you found ways to make it more efficient, and you’ve documented […]

12 Tips for Creating Effective SOPs
SOPs are a lantern on a dark night, a clearing in the fog, a bridge across a river, a map in unknown territory. You get it, Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) […]

Executive Assistants: Why you should be Setting Goals with Your Executive — And How
Executive Assistant objectives should always be discussed with your executive. You are an extension of your executive, her right hand. Her goals are your goals. Understanding where you are going […]

Go Get ’Em: Goal Setting for Executive Assistants
Goal setting for executive assistants is second-nature. You spend your day helping your executive reach her goals; you take the time to understand her priorities and how they tie back […]
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