Resources for Assistants
Your home base for anything and everything EA.
Curated from our community of over 6,000+ assistants, discover resources to learn, grow, and advance your career.

How To Plan For Your Time Out Of Office as an EA
Learn what tangible steps to take to mitigate stressful situations around taking time off as an assistant, and set yourself and your leader up to have the smoothest time possible while you’re enjoying your time away.

Best of Courageous Help 2023
Featuring some of our favorite moments from all of Courageous Help in 2023 / Episode #40

How EAs Can Prioritize When Everything Feels Important
Learn how to determine what is important to your leader, how to not let your needs be an afterthought in a support role, and finding your (and your leader’s) personal version of success.

Celebrating What You Uniquely Bring to Your Role with Debra Coleman
Featuring Debra Coleman, Executive Assistant to the VP of Learning & Employment Records at Western Governors University and host of "Have a Seat...Conversations with Women in the Workplace"/ Episode #39

Can Executive Assistants Become CEOs?
Learn how the role of an Executive Assistant can act as a launchpad for a career, honing invaluable leadership skills and providing the ability to work with and learn directly from C-Suite executives.

Mining for Strategic Gold with Ebony Belhumeur
Featuring Ebony Belhumeur, former Silicon Valley EA, now Head of Operations at Subspace Labs and Curator at The Assistant’s List - A Guide for Assistants in the New Era / Episode #38

5 Travel Management Tips from Experienced EAs
Learn top tips from Experienced EAs on what to do before, during, and after your leader’s business travel to ensure they have a great trip and you look like the rockstar you are.

Deciding If the Chief of Staff Path Is For You with Maggie Olson
Featuring Maggie Olson, Former CoS to a President at T-Mobile & Creator of the Chief of Staff Certification Course / Episode #37

A Guide to Project Management for Executive Assistants
Learn why EAs are project management experts, the five steps of successful project management, more tips to pull off a successful project, and more.

The Impact of Humanizing Business with Mary Ryan
Featuring Mary Ryan, Executive Business Parter to the CEO of Stitch/ Episode #36

Tips from the Experts: Tools & Strategies for Assistants to Plan Engaging Offsites
Learn how to maximize the true value of offsites as you design the agenda, the first question you need answered before planning, and how small details at your event can make all the difference.

Breaking the Confidence Code with Melissa Peoples
Featuring Melissa Peoples, Founder of Admin Gurus/ Episode #35
Modern solutions require modern voices.
Tune into our biweekly podcast, Courageous Help, to hear more about how EAs are changing the world left and right.

Virtual Events
Be an active participant.
Don’t be shy - we have plenty of opportunities for EAs to get involved. Take a look at our calendar full of our upcoming events.

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