Executive Assistant Software

Base is the only platform built for executive assistants, proud to offer software that saves EAs time and stress. Put 4+ hours back into your week.

When you’re looking for a comprehensive tool to make assistant roles more efficient, Base has you covered with our state-of-the-art, first-ever executive assistant software. No matter if you’re an executive assistant (EA), a virtual assistant (VA), or any other type of administrative professional, Base gives you the solutions you need to succeed. 

In fact, Base is the first to build a platform that specifically caters to how assistants work. This elite software helps assistants of all types keep track of their day-to-day responsibilities, making it simple to support your executive anytime, from anywhere. You won’t have to go another day worrying about interrupted workflows and other inevitable snags in your workday. We make sure the various executive assistant tools you need to work more efficiently are all in one place, streamlining inputs from everywhere you work: email, Slack, and more. With better organization and integration comes better efficiency, thus elevating your value and success as an assistant. 

Keep reading to learn more about our executive assistant software and how it can help you redefine your goals as an assistant.

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Software for Executive Assistants

You may be asking yourself: what is the best software for executive assistants, and is it worth the investment? 

For starters, our high-quality, EA-focused software optimizes the way executive assistants approach their daily tasks and work with their executives. We believe assistants are most likely to effortlessly excel in their careers when given the tools and support to thrive. Base software ensures assistants are one step ahead at all times, creating a more refined relationship with their executives.

As far as investments go, we think you’re worth the peace of mind this software can offer. You are a valued part of the executive team; your satisfaction with your job is imperative to the overall success of your company’s operations. If updating your software or learning a new skill means you are happier and more efficient in your role, it’s important enough to warrant a real discussion with your executive(s).

We understand all too well how easy it is for EAs to put everyone else’s needs before their own, but it’s important to remember to fill your own cup and take care of yourself, too. Base isn’t just software used by executive assistants; it’s actually made by real EAs with real experience and understanding on how to make this the best platform for assistants. With the help of our executive assistant software, you’ll have plenty of energy, motivation, and drive to continue taking care of others, as well as yourself.

How Base Executive Assistant Software Can Help You

Base is modernizing the ways executive assistants work. Through years of working with EAs, we understand the multi-faceted pain points assistants face in their daily work. Things like inadequate executive assistant technology, communication inefficiencies, manual processes, competing priorities, and more, it’s easy to become overwhelmed with all the responsibility and obstacles.  As the industry continues to evolve, we’re here to help assistants everywhere navigate how to provide unrivaled support. You don’t have to do it alone!

We’re well-known for offering some of the best organizational tools for executive assistants. In our experience, it’s a lot easier to get organized and stay organized when you have everything you need in one convenient location. To stay ahead of the curve, it’s best to make sure all the different information you’re in charge of isn’t residing in several third-party apps. Base can help you organize preferences, habits, key contacts, software, and more in a dedicated hub. Some of the specific features this program offers include the following:

  • Digest: This feature is a single location for assistants to view and update meeting changes, agendas, and all the other little things that pop-up throughout your day.
  • Decision Stream: We created a simple, elegant feed that allows assistants to give busy executives the ability to convey decisions in as little as seconds.
  • Dossier: This tool organizes executive preferences, key contacts, habits, software, and more in one, secure place rather than in a Word or Google Document.
  • Tasks: Our Task feature was made to specifically align with EA responsibilities and capture key information from everywhere you and your executive communicate.
  • Inbox: Inbox revolutionizes how you work by allowing you to send important information from any application directly into Base. You’ll never have to worry about losing a Slack message or email again.

Spend Your Time Wisely with Base’s EA Software

At Base, we offer a wide range of the leading executive assistant tools because we’ve taken the time to understand your unique pain points. Our 2020 Executive Assistant Survey reported that assistants who have a regular digest cadence are more effective, happier, and less stressed. 

We listened and developed solutions so you can truly benefit from our virtual assistant software. Artificial intelligence (AI) automation is also a great feature worth implementing to heighten your productivity as an EA. You can take tasks like scheduling and outreach off your plate with the appropriate AI automation. While AI will never replace assistants, there’s a lot of executive assistant technology available to help assistants focus on work that propels their career forward and delivers excellent support.

There are several ways Base’s EA-focused software can help you save time throughout your day-to-day operations, especially if working remotely. One of the main aspects of our state-of-the-art platform that EAs from all over agree on: Base significantly improves the communication and communication process between teams, assistants, and their executives. Here are a few examples of features both assistants and executives benefit from when investing in our software:

  • Save hours on updates: Keeping your executive in the loop is easy with Base Digest drop and drag features. Whether it’s calendar items, attachments, links, or something else, you can send them directly to your digest without having to navigate between email, calendars, and file-sharing tools like Dropbox.
  • Send an easy Q&A: Base Decision Stream can now take any questions or updates that come in from Slack, email, or calendars, and use this information to create a simple Q&A stream. Push this to your executives and get all the answers you need in a single send. 
  • Streamline executive productivity: When you can be more productive and intune as an EA, your executive also reaps the benefits. Our platform gives you a visual representation of how your executive’s day, week, or year is divided between meetings, travel, value-add activities, and more.

Next Level EA Support

Base is disrupting the industry as we know it. This platform is perfectly positioned to reframe what it means to collaborate with an assistant and to be an assistant. We created this administration assistant software tool to address assistants’ unique responsibilities while simultaneously working to elevate EAs and their overall profession. 

If you’re one of the many assistants that work remotely, our virtual assistant software has made it easier than ever to keep tabs on your executives’ changing needs without needing to speak with them face-to-face. You’ll always have room to grow as an EA with the right tools and support; just make sure you ask for what you need

Up-leveling your EA game is easy with Base. We understand all too well how many responsibilities and tools you’re expected to juggle—and we’ve seen first-hand how overwhelming it all can be. That’s why offering useful admin assistant software for EAs, VAs, and any other similar position tools for executive assistants, virtual assistants, and any other administrative position is a no-brainer in our book. 

With our executive assistant organizational tools, you can find out how you can be most helpful in your role as an EA, which will help you better up-level your skills. It’s no secret that businesses of all shapes and sizes are pivoting to meet this moment of mass virtual communication. 

As companies evolve, so do assistants’ job parameters. Make sure you’re prepared by identifying which skills you should focus on to best support your executives’ needs as well as your personal EA goals.

Executive Assistant Tools and Resources

Base not only provides useful tools for executive assistants, but we also offer the essential guidance and resources that keep EAs on top of their ever-evolving roles. The best executive assistant planning tools help keep track of all the different things that require an assistant’s attention. These tools for executive assistants can be tailored to fit your exact style, as well as your executives’ exact needs.

Executive Assistants are often the lifeblood of a company. At Base, we believe that you deserve the best software for executive assistants the industry has to offer. So, we went ahead and created an entire platform that is sure to not only make your job as an EA easier, but also increase the productivity of your organization as a whole. Rather than simply handling various critical tasks, you can now get a clear and strategic view of what these seemingly insignificant tasks ultimately amount to.

The Best Software for Executive Assistants  

We created Base so assistants can have a dedicated workspace built specifically for them. When you want to see for yourself why EAs near and far are calling Base the best software for executive assistants, get a free demo today! We look forward to helping you get the most out of your career as an assistant.

Do you want more goal setting, planning, and project management resources? Join our community of nearly 3,000 assistants, and subscribe to our YouTube channel!