Base has always been in the business of empowering Executive Assistants through tools, training, and placement. We’re excited to share Base’s workspace for EAs now supports you even better with the addition of Base AI: our artificial intelligence trained to assist with a variety of tasks based on our years of industry experience and knowledge around assistance.
See it first in Analyze – where it’s been optimized to assist with your understanding of calendar data. This is the new Analyze: data-rich, reader-friendly, exportable, customizable.
Optimize how your executive spends their time
A huge part of the assistant role is strategically deploying your executive’s time in a manner that aligns with their goals. With Analyze backed by AI, you can now create a data-backed report to inform both you and your executive of how they’re actually spending their time, and make adjustments accordingly.
We’ve taken advantage of EAs’ superior systems for calendar color coding (say that 3 times fast) to show how time is spent across meeting types. Knowing everyone’s system is different, we leave it up to you to categorize. Once you do, the report data automatically adjusts.
In essence, the data is king – our Analyze details give you evidence, credibility to champion your leader’s needs, and confidence to make strategic recommendations.

Use data to create intentional meeting culture
Meetings without agendas, meetings that go over the allotted time, meetings that get added last minute – these are often indicative of a lack of intentional meeting culture in an organization. These scenarios also likely create work for you – whether it’s rounding up the people as part of scheduling something last-minute, rescheduling meetings or workblocks that get eaten into, or support with projects or initiatives that come as a surprise.
Analyze can provide data on how frequently these things are happening, who is in attendance when they happen, and more. You can use this information to design some remediation to drive your leader’s success.
Cite data about these types of meetings from Analyze to support you in coming up with new meeting norms; boundaries; or expectation management for you, your executive, and the broader organization.

Highlight yourself as a strategic business partner
You’re more than a support role, you’re a strategic part of business operations, right? Demonstrate this clearly by taking a look at the data around your 1:1 time with your leader and adjusting accordingly.
For instance, could synchronous 1:1 time be reduced, without impacting the work that takes place? Because Base can help with that, through asynchronous digests and decision streams.
Or maybe as you look at the list of meetings, you realize, “hey, I don’t spend enough 1:1 time with my leader.” Or maybe it’s even as simple as, the event titles for your 1:1s are all “status update” but what you really want is “goal alignment”.
Based on the story the data is telling you, use it to make the necessary changes in order for you to build a business case for what you want to achieve in the partnership.

Ready to start using AI made just for assistants?
Ultimately, Analyze aims to help you quantify your value (not just your leader’s) to the business. We’ve built this because we recognize that EAs empowered with AI are the future, but most AI isn’t built just for you. As always, we believe assistants deserve their own tools, so we’ll keep on making them for you!
If you’re not currently a Base user, schedule a demo to see how our all-in-one workspace for Executive Assistants can help you work more efficiently and make time for what matters.