
The Small Details: Get Your Grammar in Check

We’ve all received a poorly written email, full of spelling and grammar mistakes that make us question the abilities of the writer. How can you make sure your emails are well-written and error-free?

Here’s a small tip for Gmail users: download the Chrome extension for Grammarly. This extension will audit your emails as you write them and highlight areas for improvement. It will catch spelling mistakes, comma errors, and punctuation faux pas.  (“Let’s eat, Grandma!” Not – “Let’s eat Grandma!”)

Grammarly’s free version will catch the most common and painful grammar errors—the ones you really don’t want to make when emailing senior-level executives. And if you have the need, there are paid versions that will help with word choice, sentence length, and even catch potential plagiarism.

Watch this quick video to see Grammarly in action!

Grammarly in Gmail

Written by Bryn Smith

Bryn is the Senior Manager of Brand and Product Marketing at Base, where she is on a mission to build a world-class EA community by connecting them with top-notch thought leaders, invaluable resources, and cutting-edge insights.