
Using Your Voice to Build Connected Partnerships with Monique Helstrom

On this episode, we’re joined by Monique Helstrom, who spent nearly a decade as the Executive Assistant, Producer, and “Chief of Simon Sinek”. Since then, Monique has toured internationally delivering workshops and keynotes on mastering your communication to build powerful relationships in your career.

Monique joins Courageous Help to share the importance of connecting to your own strengths, why communication is the most important skill we’ve never been taught how to do, and the small changes we can make today to improve our ​​relationship building capabilities.

Connect with Monique on LinkedIn and check out her communication courses on her website.

Hosted by Natalie Turner

Natalie is a content strategist, seasoned facilitator, certified leadership coach, and formerly the Executive Assistant to the CEO and President at Base. She believes in the power of supportive relationships and rituals, both personal and professional, to change individual lives and therefore the world. She explores these concepts in Base workshops, on the Courageous Help podcast, and in her own entrepreneurial pursuits.

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