
Easing Back into Your Work Routine Without Overwhelm

Returning to work after a break can feel like diving into the deep end of a cold pool. Whether you’re coming back from vacation, parental leave, or a sabbatical, the transition can be jarring. But fear not! With the right approach, you can wade in gradually and find your rhythm without feeling swamped. Here are some practical tips to help you ease back into your work routine smoothly and confidently.

1. Start Before You Start

A day or two before your official return, take some time to mentally prepare:

  • Review your calendar for the upcoming week
  • Skim through important emails
  • Make a prioritized to-do list

This sneak peek will help you feel more in control when you step back into the office.

2. Embrace the Slow Ramp-Up

Don’t expect to be at full productivity on day one. Give yourself permission to ease in:

  • Block off your first morning for organizing and planning
  • Avoid scheduling intense meetings or deadlines in your first week back
  • Set realistic goals for what you can accomplish each day
3. Reconnect with Colleagues

Your return is a great opportunity to rebuild connections:

  • Schedule brief catch-up meetings with key team members
  • Use lunch breaks to socialize and hear what you’ve missed
  • Share a bit about your time away to reestablish rapport
4. Tackle Your Inbox Strategically

A overflowing inbox can be daunting. Try this approach:

  • Sort emails by sender or project to quickly identify priorities
  • Use the “2-minute rule”: If it takes less than 2 minutes, do it now
  • Create an “action required” folder for emails needing more time
5. Reestablish Routines

Routines provide structure and comfort:

  • Get back to your normal sleep schedule a few days before returning
  • Plan your outfits and meals for the first week to reduce decision fatigue
  • Reinstate positive habits like a morning walk or meditation
6. Practice Self-Care

Taking care of yourself is crucial during transitions:

  • Take regular breaks, even if just for a few deep breaths
  • Stay hydrated and keep healthy snacks on hand
  • End your workday at a reasonable time to maintain work-life balance
7. Celebrate Small Wins

Acknowledge your progress to stay motivated:

  • Keep a “done” list alongside your to-do list
  • Share accomplishments with your team or manager
  • Treat yourself to something small at the end of your first week back
8. Seek Support When Needed

Remember, it’s okay to ask for help:

  • Communicate with your manager about your re-entry plan
  • Delegate tasks if you’re feeling overwhelmed
  • Consider a mentor or coach for ongoing support

Remember, transitions are temporary. By following these tips and being patient with yourself, you’ll find your work groove again in no time. Welcome back!

Written by Luis Sousa

Luis collaborates with Base's team, utilizing his skills in digital marketing to support their mission of equipping leaders with exceptional, scalable executive support. Drawing from the largest pool of EA talent in the world and the innovative platform built for EAs, he helps in communicating the company's commitment to matching leaders with strategic, tech-enabled assistants.