
Executive Assistant One-on-One Agenda Templates

Any seasoned EA knows that successful one-on-ones are integral to strengthening your relationship with your executive. With that being said, getting this consistent face-to-face time with your executive can be easier said than done. While ideally, you’d spend the time building trust, showing your support, and positioning yourself as a more strategic partner, we know that one-on-ones are often spent discussing status updates—that is—when they aren’t canceled or rescheduled.

In most cases, an executive isn’t going to have the availability to extend your one-on-ones or schedule more times throughout the week to meet. This simply means you’ll have to get strategic about how you’re spending your time together—and we can help! 

Going into one-on-ones with your executive with a clear and defined plan and purpose will make the most of your time together. 

Make the Most of One-on-Ones with Your Executive

As EAs ourselves, we know there are certain things that you and your executive go over each time you have a one-on-one meeting. While you may have a pretty good idea of what you’ll discuss when you’re face-to-face with your executive, what if you could have a comprehensive agenda as a guide?

Queue our executive assistant one-on-one agenda template! Intrigued? We thought you might be. 

We’ve taken the hard work out of preparing for one-on-ones by creating a template that can set the tone and tempo of your meeting and be reused repeatedly. This customizable agenda gives both you and your executive a guide to follow. Not only will you know what’s coming next in the conversation, but you’ll also know you aren’t forgetting any important topics. And if you run out of time, you both know what was missed and where you need to reconnect.

You can download our one-on-one agenda template for assistants for FREE here. Let us know how you’re leveraging our templates to impress your executive and get the most out of your meetings.

Written by Bryn Smith

Bryn is the Senior Manager of Brand and Product Marketing at Base, where she is on a mission to build a world-class EA community by connecting them with top-notch thought leaders, invaluable resources, and cutting-edge insights.