Make your inbox work for you.

Your inbox should be an asset to your workday, not a disruption. Transform it into a streamlined system with Inbox Reset from Base.

“I didn’t think getting to a zero in my inbox was possible. Now I can start and end most days with it cleared out.”
Alisa Evans
CEO @ Mission Enrollment

Your inbox, better than ever.

Get a personalized inbox audit, where a dedicated Inbox Specialist will learn your daily email workflow and assess your specific needs. 

Stay on top of your emails.

During the inbox reset process, your Specialist will design a custom organization system that’s efficient, effective and easy to maintain.

Put your inbox on cruise control.

You can rely on the custom automations set up by your Specialist for almost effortless maintenance after the reset is complete.

Inbox Reset is a fresh start to managing your emails.

Get a comprehensive inbox overhaul and watch your inbox work the way it’s supposed to — for you.

Did you know?

350 – 400 emails

The number of emails an average business leader fields in their inbox every day

6 seconds

The minimum amount of time checking an email takes out of your day

3 hours

How much time you could get back each week by having a more functional inbox

Here’s what we’ll do to make your inbox shine.

(and these are just a few of the many benefits)

Archive old emails

Creates a safe place for emails you need to keep around

Remove spam

Wave goodbye to unwanted solicitations and clutter

Install automations

Take the manual work out of prioritizing emails

Create rules and filters

Instantly organize new emails and filter out spam

Consolidate folders

Prioritize the top categories to be easily accessible

Organize a long-term system

Keep your inbox a place of simplicity for the long run

“I felt heard and understood by my Inbox Specialist and believe they thoroughly considered my needs when creating a system that worked for me.”
Sasha Green
Program and Operations Manager @ Moonshot edVentures

Ready to reset your inbox?

Get in touch today and start saving hours in your week.